
While this life has been given to us without our permission, we still are lucky to have it. To be able to experience the joy, happiness, beauty and love along with all the misery, this life is the only chance we have to experience it all or without its existence we were not even able to realize if there was anything called existence. So, we should be thankful for being able to have one.

If you are one of those who have not been born with any disabilities and are able to read these lines, then you are not only the winner of race of millions of sperms but you have been given a genetical lottery. What you do with it, is up to you. If you are unhappy about not been asked before handing over with life as you do not like the mix of misery in it; you know what to do.

But if you are one of those who want to make the best of this lottery (life) then read along, you are at the right place.

We have understood that the purpose of this life from Nature’s point of view is to gain Knowledge and Transfer it forward. Being part of Nature’s process of life, we gain knowledge to be able to earn money through our professions; better tradeable/ transferable knowledge we have, better our lives will be. However, it is not sufficient to seek for the professional knowledge only because if we are good in our profession but are not good socially, we will be left alone sooner rather than later. It’s a mix of social, professional and spiritual knowledge that makes us a better professional, family member, friend and over all a better human being who is content and happy with what they have, swiftly moving towards the vision and destiny they aim for.


Emerge was founded with the aim to bridge gaps between different knowledge verticals we have in the world i.e. History, Own Experiences, Science and Divine knowledge.

The lack of perception between these verticals make us blind to the beauty of how they all complement each other for our greater good. This blindness of perception makes us limited in our abilities thus our vision and make us bitter, feeling trapped in life rather than living it to its brightest and fullest potential.

Emerge is for providing the platform for people from all walks of life to attain the goal of establishing better, larger than life vision for themselves and to purse it knowingly.

For doing that Emerge will conduct (not limited to) following activities:

  • Link independent thinkers, Influencers, Community leaders
  • Conduct dialogues on topics that directly influence our day to day thoughts and thus lives
  • Conduct and deliver talks from people among us for gaining and exchanging conclusive ideas
  • Spread awareness on concepts, virtues and ideas through form of documentaries
  • Train people at large and specially youth with ethics, moral values, soft skills, trade-able skills and persona to take challenges of life head on
  • Make a knowledge economy which works for eliminating misery in any form and where philanthropic acts are regarded higher than the physical wealth

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